Sunday, July 30


Home at last. Camp was so much fun!!! well all execpt the dirt and bugs part thank heavens for bugspray and wet wipes! so ya here u go heather a new blog. and on another subject i cant wait for our party on 11th!! i hope u all can make it since felisha hasnt rsvp'ed yet well ttyl laas u all!!!

Tuesday, July 18


We have had these blogs for one year now and we are still using them wow we've come a long way learning new things about each other growing clo... o who am i kidding just happy anniversory!

Sunday, July 16

Sara madi morgan and baby

my sister sara was driving home from sandy yesterday going about 80 on the free way when she had to swerve and she accidently over corrected she scidded to the side of the road which had a dip in it and it catapulted her up into the air where she flipped 5 times in a convertable. She had one of her friends sitting next to her. Momonts before they remembered to put their seatbelts on. They both walked from the wreck with only a few scraps and bruises. The baby is fine. Madi was going to go home with them instead of with her other friend in his truck. All she wanted to do was lay down and sleep (she wouldnt have had a seat belt on) Two of my sisters, their friend, and the baby could have been dead no they Should have died-they walked away with scratches Yesterday was the scarest day of my life.

ps i have a pix of it on my phone if u want to see it

Tuesday, July 11


I am so exited i will be seeing pirates in 4 days and I HAAF u if u have already seen it like if u saw it at midnight >:< well i am excited because before i go see it i will have been swimming in a hotel pool and that night yep staying in a hotel so that is way cooler then just seeing it at midnight i can go watch pirates 1 at midnight if i wanted to n e way HOT pix from the movie

Tuesday, July 4

this is an audio post - click to play