Tuesday, November 15


It is so cold in my house my heater is broken and the little portable heater we have in the dining room isn't working not only that the little heat it does produce is being taken into Madi's room. GRRR


Heather said...

Jessi you should have come to my work today. It was like boiling. I actually had to turn on the AC. It was up to like 85 degrees in there. No joke. I'll send some of it to you.

Jessi said...

Thanks my "Heather" is getting fixed today. I'll now tell you y I put Heather not heater yesterday I had wrote this and I was just talking to you and wrote heather and posted I saw it and fixed it but it was funny

Anonymous said...

ha ha u have a freakin cold house Ohwut4!

Mike said...

Get. Rid of that comment. I didn't know Heather worked? And also Ha Ha JessiE.

Jessi said...

Get rid of what comment? The anonymous one that one is Isaacs