Tuesday, November 29


Yes a shrubbery, not too big and not too expensive


Mike said...

Ne.................. Ne............ Ne........................, what a sad world it is when a copple of ruffians can say Ne to and old lady.

Jessi said...

EN? it is NE

Mike said...

I think she knows that. She is pulling our leg. *hopefully*

Heather said...

You are all wierd. Mike you are the wierdest one of all. You started the NE....... thing. Jessi, where would you put shrubbery? And if we are naming things we want I want a Bonzi tree.

Mike said...

ne ne ne. that is from a show called Monty Python and The Holy Grale.

Mike said...

it is from a show.

Jessi said...

In my bathroom is where i would put my shrubbry

Heather said...

I finally watched that show. I get it all now. I feel stupid but it was a stupid (but funny) movie. Jessi you should still get me a bonzi tree.