Thursday, June 29


I went to lagoon with my cousin yesterday and these two ten year olds started hitting on us it was really creepy so we went on a ride with them not wanting to hurt their feelings and they wouldnt leave us alone finaly we ditched them and we saw them later with two other girls it was really funny. Lagoon was so much fun though the lines were really short the only times we had to wait was waiting for the ride to fill up so they could run it. We all need to go to lagoon some time though that would be so much fun!! (i would put pix but its not working)


Heather said...

we all should have gone on the same day. i went on monday. who wants 2 go tomorrow. JK i have 2 work ugh.

Heather said...

How bout next friday. Jessi and i r probably going ever1 is invited. u just have 2 pay for urself. U should come

Jessi said...

ya but u see the every1 who sees this site is heather, jessi, mike, and natalie so u should say u 2 r invited

natalie said...

hehe i feel loved i was mentioned... hey happy birthday (soon) you have the same birthday as my sister!

Heather said...

thats true

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.