Monday, September 25


Hey guess what i just learned. The french have won a war. They won the 100 years agaisnt england so HA mike was wrong and the french arent such wusses.


Anonymous said...

Do they still teach grammar in schools these days?

Heather said...

wat??????????? haha mike i have to laugh at you to. You should watch timeline it will show u that the french were good once

Jessi said...

who was the annoynmous?

Heather said...

i dunno

Anonymous said...

Why is it always such a compition?!????? mike knows they are good he just enjoys argueing with you. so don't reaise to the bait. besides he is going to a french speaking mission for giving you heck!!!!!!

Jessi said...

so zania were you the last annoymous too?

Anonymous said...

First I have told you at one point of time the french were a pretty good people, But now is different they have become lazy, and sloppy not like they werent before.

Also can any one tell me how long it the 100 years war was?

Heather said...

HAHA Mike i will laugh really really hard when you get sent to france on your mission. And of course zania we have to argue with him it wouldn't be any fun if we got along all the time.

Jessi said...

heather is right and mike the 100 years war lasted 20 years

Anonymous said...

No the first anonymous person was not me. I would confess to it!!!!! You give me no credit. Plus i notice what they thought was wrong. And jessi th 100 year war was 6 weeks.

Jessi said...

i sincerally hope that you are joking (and just for the record the 100 years war was on and off war for 100 years it wasnt a constent battle but the war didnt officialy end for 100 years)

Heather said...

HAHA this has been a really interesting arguement about a history lesson. If you re read all of it. It's actually kinda funny

Anonymous said...

You are all Wrong!!!

The Hundred Years war lasted 116 years

Heather said...

i wouldn't have know that. I never had the misfortune to study it. LOL

Heather said...

New post i think we have argued this one out!