Tuesday, January 16


Today we went to chichen-itza (look it up on the internet to find pictures and ill show you when i get home) it is a myan city and is the largest one they have found. It was a four hour drive to get there and four hours back but so worth it. The first thing you see is the great temple and it really is amazing on there are as many steps as there is days as many levels as months in their calander and on the summer and winter solstice (like with stone hendge) only one side of the pyramid and the side of the steps of the other side which makes it look like a snake with its head on the ground. There were other buildings too there was a game court like in the one in the road to el dorado to win it is which ever team gets the ball through the hoop first wins but you can only use your shoulders, arms, hips, legs, and right ankle. The game can go for minutes or days but whoever gets the first goal wins. After the game the losing teams captain cuts the winning teams captains head off. But dont worry it is an honor. There were two types of sacrafices one the game one which was relitively painless and one which you got your heart ripped out while you were still alive that is not an honor that is if you are a slave and you disobey. Those sacrafices were done at the temple of the warriors or temple of 1000 columns. Which was also the market place. that was really pretty with all those columns. I am missing all my friends right now though so i am thinking about you. I dont have any money so i need to know if you want a sea shell necklace that i will make or a jar of sand(?) some people like it so just tell me and ill get it for you as soon as i get it made/home sorry it was so long the myan people were just so cool ttyl

1 comment:

Heather said...

i want a neckalace but only if it is really cool and if the seashells don't smell. it sounds like you are having an awesome time.