Sunday, September 16

I dont get it- this isnt really for mike

So on the last post heather you said you dont really have anything to say about my bf. Well i dont really get it. I really care about your love lives or the guys that are in your lives (if you say you dont have a love life at all that is SO not true) and i care about what's important to you but when i talk about the guy that i am with or any other guy for that matter which happens to be a big and important part of my life you guys dont care and really dont want to talk about it at all. Why is that? If something this big happened to one of you two i would be way excited and i would want to know ALL the details but whenever i talk about it you guys get kinda closed off and uncaring. Why is that?


Anonymous said...

Jessi against my better judgment i'm gonna tell you this. I'm very jealous. Sometimes it is hard to listen to you talk about anyone who (oh no) might like you. Face it I don't have that. Its hurts to know you have what i can't. You can say that you don't get it but you would if you were in my place. Try to understand.

Jessi said...

i do understand the jealousy thing i get jealous of a lot of people but it still hurts that you really dont care, i was extremely jealous of cassie when she was going out with joel but because she is one of my good friends i pushed past the jealousy and even tried to make it so they could see each other and i was really interested when she would talk about things like when they kissed, etc. I pushed past the jealousy because i was happy to see her happy even though i felt like i was absolutly in love with the guy she was with

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you. I would listen but you just don't tell me things. I am probably the least judgmental ( no offense i don't mean that in a good/bad way. I am terribly sorry if you took offense) person that would listen to you and i am always the last to know. By the time you decide to tell me i have already heard. And i had to drag it out of you. Try being excited when the news you tell me got to me from someone else first.

Heather said...

trust me. i'm really not jealous. I just feel more like i'm losing you and not just because of him. I just am not to much of a fan of some of your other friends but i just smile and nod. I am just tired of hearing about all these boys. I'm tired of everyone cramming all this stuff about it down my throat. If you're happy then thats fine, i just don't really want to see you leaving us just cause you have a bf and other friends. there that my bit for the day?? happy? and you have to realize how many time that i just shut up take that into consideration after reading that. The prior comment really was a slip, i'll keep my mouth shut from now on

Jessi said...

what do you mean you about some of my other friends? i think now that some of us have cars we will actually be able to hang out its just been so hard since we live so far apart and our parents couldnt take us. I dont see how you think you are losing me i keep trying to have you guys come hang out. If i had known you didnt like my other friends i wouldve just stoped inviting you to those parties and starting having some of just our own