Monday, May 12

Spring Fling

So basically Saturday was so much fun! I asked my friend Nate to Spring Fling and he of course said yes. So the day activity was looking for shirts and then going to a park that had a big dome in the middle where you can whisper on one side and hear it clearly on the other side but no one else can hear it. I know how it works but it was still way way cool. After that we went to Denny's for dinner (Denny's has sentimental value to all of us) and then of course the dance. Which was way fun and now my neck and shoulders hurt LoL. After the dance we went and saw What Happens In Vegas. Which is actually a really funny movie! And lastly home by 1 30


Heather said...

That sounds like a ton of fun. I want to go to that dome thing. I want to see that movie, it looks hilarious

Anonymous said...

yes the dome thing sounds (whisper) super fun.